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Project Update June 2018
It's been a while since the last update and I wanted to let everyone know that progress is still on-going, though things have taken a...
Game Selection Screen Concept
While I am only working on Ultima 1 right now, I wanted to share this screen concept I created which probably gives away a bit of my...
UI Design
Today was a UI day. I spent a good portion of the day trying to figure out how to translate 21 keyboard commands into a user interface...
Player Status Screen
Been a productive weekend so far. The last 24 hours has seen the following developments: * Completion of the Character Generation...
Finalized: Character Generation Screen
From prototype to finished screen, the Character Generation Screen is now finished. I changed out the placeholder Arial font with the UO...
Character Generation Screen
After about a week of working on it a few hour a day, I have finally finished a working prototype of the Character Generation screen. It...
Website Launched
After working on uUltima for a little over three weeks, I have decided to create this website so I can share my progress and maybe...
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